What do you think of Disney opening up its theme parks and cruise ships to gay weddings? - gay cruising park in new jersey
I do not think I could be in the business of losing them. I do not know, maybe its gradual, perhaps it comes down to business. Ideas?
Although I have absolutely no problem with people who are homosexual, it is obvious to the business. How many people do not really go to Disney World because it ..... very little. Now they have opened a whole new market for their highly intelligent. Waiting every day is the only man, now we can leave our judgments and ignorance in turn controls styles.
The official policy is that the couple have a valid marriage license to a ceremony at the Disney property must have. Since same-sex marriage is not permitted, except in some few countries, can not have all his "fantasy" wedding there.
I disagree ... I think it's all business. The GLBT community has on average a higher disposable income and has established itself as a force in the collection and memories of sand. Thousands of GLBT members visited Orlando in June and October of Anaheim unofficial Gay Days "and a lot of money. Disney recognizes the value of the dollar" gay "and I am convinced that the opening of their goods to marriage for same-sex only a further way to enjoy this gay Mighty U.S. dollars.
I think it's fantastic .... I also think that the almighty dollar.
An open mind and corporate citizenship. Let us assume that we are all equal. Disney understands.
I think it's great and now I need a rich man, so you can make me find:)
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